API Browsing
This module adds JavaScript based applications to visualize an Open API definition such as Swagger UI, Redoc or Scalar to your app. All resources required by those apps are hosted locally so no internet connection is required.
The following example creates an API, the corresponding Open API definition and two endpoints to host Swagger and Redoc.
using GenHTTP.Api.Protocol;
using GenHTTP.Engine.Internal;
using GenHTTP.Modules.ApiBrowsing;
using GenHTTP.Modules.Layouting;
using GenHTTP.Modules.OpenApi;
using GenHTTP.Modules.Practices;
using GenHTTP.Modules.Webservices;
var app = Layout.Create()
await Host.Create()
public record Book(int ID, string Title);
public class BookService
public List<Book> GetBooks() => [];
public Book CreateBook(Book book) => book;
public Book UpdateBook(Book book) => book;
public void DeleteBook(int id) { }
using GenHTTP.Engine.Internal;
using GenHTTP.Modules.ApiBrowsing;
using GenHTTP.Modules.Functional;
using GenHTTP.Modules.Layouting;
using GenHTTP.Modules.OpenApi;
using GenHTTP.Modules.Practices;
var bookApi = Inline.Create()
.Get(() => new List<Book>())
.Put((Book book) => book)
.Post((Book book) => book)
.Delete((int id) => { });
var app = Layout.Create()
.Add("books", bookApi)
await Host.Create()
public record Book(int ID, string Title);
using GenHTTP.Api.Protocol;
using GenHTTP.Engine.Internal;
using GenHTTP.Modules.ApiBrowsing;
using GenHTTP.Modules.Controllers;
using GenHTTP.Modules.Layouting;
using GenHTTP.Modules.OpenApi;
using GenHTTP.Modules.Practices;
var app = Layout.Create()
await Host.Create()
public record Book(int ID, string Title);
public class BookController
public List<Book> List() => [];
public Book Create(Book book) => book;
public Book Update(Book book) => book;
public void Delete(int id) { }
After running this sample you can view http://localhost:8080/swagger/, http://localhost:8080/redoc/ and http://localhost:8080/scalar/ in your browser.
Referencing a Definition
By default, the applications will use ../openapi.json
reference to the Open API definition to be used. There is no
magic link between the API browser and the Open API handler, so you
need to pass the correct link depending on the structure of your
application. In the following example, docs and the API are seperated
so another path is required and needs to be passed:
var bookApi = Inline.Create()
.Get(() => new List<Book>())
.Put((Book book) => book)
.Post((Book book) => book)
.Delete((int id) => { });
var api = Layout.Create()
.Add("books", bookApi)
var app = Layout.Create()
.Add(["api", "v1"], api)
.AddSwaggerUI(url: "../api/v1/openapi.json");
While you can pass an absolute URL, we recommend to pass a relative URL to avoid issues with CORS and your reverse proxy setup.
Adjusting the Path
By default, the applications will either be registered at /swagger/
, relative to the path of the current layout they are added to.
This path can be adjusted as needed:
.AddSwaggerUI(segment: "docs");
Adjusting Meta Data
There are overloads to adjust the meta data of the generated HTML index file. Currently, only the title can be changed.
.AddSwaggerUI(title: "Book API");
Hiding in Production
You might want use this feature only during development and disable it in production. There is no built-in way to achieve this, but you can add the application conditionally, e.g. depending on the project configuration:
Advanced Usage
The examples above show the typical use case of adding an API browser to a layout. For full access to the handlers, you may also directly create and link them.
var swagger = ApiBrowser.SwaggerUI()
await Host.Create()