Functional Handlers

Functional Handlers

With this module, requests can be handled in a functional manner, reducing the boilerplate code to be written by a web application developer.

Apps can quickly be created by using a project template.

Hosting an API

To host an API using this framework you can create an Inline handler and add your operations as needed.

using GenHTTP.Engine;

using GenHTTP.Modules.Functional;
using GenHTTP.Modules.Layouting;

var bookService = Inline.Create()                        
                        // GET http://localhost:8080/books/?page=1&pageSize=20
                        .Get((int page, int pageSize) => /* ... */)
                        // GET http://localhost:8080/books/4711
                        .Get(":id", (int id) => /* ... */) 
                        // PUT http://localhost:8080/books/
                        .Put((Book book) => /* ... */) 
                        // POST http://localhost:8080/books/
                        .Post((Book book) => /* ... */) 
                        // DELETE http://localhost:8080/books/4711
                        .Delete(":id", (int id) => /* ... */); 

var api = Layout.Create()
                .Add("books", bookService);


Further Resources

The following capabilities are shared by various application frameworks:
