
Layouts are a basic mechanism that allows you to assemble your web application from different parts. They define which URLs are made available by the server and what the URL structure of your app will look like.

The following example will expose a single file to your clients which will be available via the URL http://localhost:8080/hello.txt.

var app = Layout.Create()
                .Add("hello.txt", Content.From(Resource.FromString("Hello World")));


To define what is returned when the index of your application is called, you can omit the path when adding handlers. The following example will render “Hello World” when http://localhost:8080/ is requested.

var app = Layout.Create()
                .Add(Content.From(Resource.FromString("Hello World")));

Sub Sections

Layouts can contain another layout for a specific path or the index route. This way your web application can be structured as needed. The following example exposes http://localhost:8080/static/hello.txt to your clients.

var resources = Layout.Create()
                      .Add("hello.txt", Content.From(Resource.FromString("Hello World")));

var app = Layout.Create()
                .Add("static", resources);


This feature is typically used to describe your project topology on a high level and to glue everything together. The following example will give you an idea on how this could be used in a more complex web app.

var app = Layout.Create()
                .Add("api", ...)
                .Add("static", ...)
                .Add("admin-area", ...);



If a handler cannot provide a response it will return null which causes the server to render a HTTP 404 error page. If there are multiple index routes set on a layout, the implementation will invoke them one-by-one until it retrieves a non-null response. This allows you to implement fallbacks. In the following example, the server will render the “Hello World” response only, if the request file does not exist in the given directory.

var tree = ResourceTree.FromDirectory("...");

var files = Resources.From(tree);

var app = Layout.Create()
                .Add(Content.From(Resource.FromString("Hello World")));



Some modules extend the layout builder to reduce the boilerplate code required to add handlers or concerns to your application.

For example the webservice module allows to directly add a webservice handler.

var api = Layout.Create()

which is a shortcut for

var service = ServiceResource.From<MyServiceClass>();

var api = Layout.Create()
                .Add("service", service);

As those methods are defined in extension methods provided by the source module, this requires you to add an using directive, in this case using GenHTTP.Modules.Webservices.

Non-Root Layouts

While it makes sense to start with a layout on root level to define the structure of your application, it is just an ordinary handler and your server instance just requires any handler to work with.

This means that you do not need to use a layout as a root handler and can add layouts anywhere where handlers are supported.

The following example uses the virtual host handler to serve to different kind of apps to your clients:

var app1 = Layout.Create();

var app2 = Layout.Create();

var app = VirtualHosts.Create()
                      .Add("", app1)
                      .Add("", app2);
