

The webservice module provides an easy way to implement RESTful services that can be consumed by clients as needed.

NOTE Webservices can quickly be created by using a project template.

Creating a Webservice

The concept is very similar to popular webservice frameworks such as JAX-RS:

using GenHTTP.Modules.Webservices;
    using GenHTTP.Modules.Security;
    public class BookResource
        public List<Book> GetBooks(int page, int pageSize) { /* ... */ }
        public Book? GetBook(int id) { /* ... */ }
        public Book AddBook(Book book) { /* ... */ }
        public Book UpdateBook(Book book) { /* ... */ }
        [ResourceMethod(RequestMethod.DELETE, ":id")]
        public Book? DeleteBook(int id) { /* ... */ }
    var service = Layout.Create()

The service will be available at http://localhost:8080/books. As the functionality is provided on handler level, all other concerns such as authentication, error handling or CORS can be implemented using regular server mechanisms.

By default, parameter values (within the path) are expected to be alphanumeric. If needed, a custom pattern can be specified to define the format accepted by the service:

[ResourceMethod("(?<id>[0-9]{12,13})")] // EAN-13
    public Book? GetBook(int id) { /* ... */ }

Because the resource hander needs to utilize regular expressions and reflection to achieve the required functionality, its performance will be slow compared to IHandler instances providing the same functionality.

The implementation supports all typical features such as serialization and deserialization of complex types, simple types, enums, streams, raw IRequest, IHandler, and IResponseBuilder arguments, query parameters, path parameters, async methods returning a Task or ValueTask, and exception handling:

    public async ValueTask<Stream> Stream(Stream input) { /* ... */ }
    public IResponseBuilder RequestResponse(IRequest request, IHandler handler) { return request.Respond() /* ... */; }
    public void Exception() => throw new ProviderException(ResponseStatus.AlreadyReported, "Already reported!");

Further Resources

The following capabilities are shared by various application frameworks:
