Parameter Injection

Parameter Injection

Frameworks that allow to define custom methods in code (such as webservices, controllers, or functional handlers) may be extended with custom parameter resolvers which allow to inject custom types into method invocations.

By default, the framework will inject IRequest, IHandler and the request body as a Stream. This can be extended by configuring and passing a custom InjectionRegistry. The registry accepts IParameterIParameterInjector instances that define what types are supported and how they are determined from the current request and environment.

The following example shows how to inject the currently authenticated user into a custom method:

var auth = BasicAuthentication.Create()
                                  .Add("my_user", "v3rys4v3p4ssw0rd");
    var injectors = Injection.Default()
                             .Add(new UserInjector<BasicAuthenticationUser>());
    var content = Inline.Create()
                        .Get((BasicAuthenticationUser user) => user.DisplayName)
